Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years ago tomorrow...

Ten years ago tomorrow was a Tuesday.  I was working at Mother's Day Out, Aron was at Morningside.  Carey Grace was in Kindergarten and Madi (then Maddie) was almost 3. Aron's grandma, GG, was in a nursing home in Dumas.

Aron and CG had already gone to school, and I jumped in the shower to get ready for work.  The first plane hit while I was in the shower.  I called my dad, recently retired, to see if he was watching, and to talk to him about it.  I knew nothing about NYC or the world trade center, but I just kept thinking that looked like a lot of damage for a Cessna to do (as was being reported).

You know how sometimes the world seems to move in slow motion while your brain is on fast forward? I saw a huge plane from the corner of the screen and I remember thinking "oh my gosh, that plane shouldn't be flying so close to the fire!" Then I thought " It must be a fire plane"... planes that fly over fires and drop water or fire retardant on the top of the fire while fire fighters fight it from the ground.  Normally these planes are small, but I was willing to accept that I did not know everything about fighting fires..... I said to my dad (on the phone) "there is another plane..... oh my god!!!!  Dad didn't see it, he had taken his eyes off the TV for a moment, but after a few exclamations from the news anchors, they replayed it and he saw.  I remember saying "dad, that wasn't an accident! That was on purpose! Who would do that?" I remember thinking "I hope there were no passengers on that plane", which was obviously a 747 type passenger plane, not a Cessna!

Eventually I made it to work, where I was a bad teacher and put in a movie for the kids while we listened to the news on the radio....  at lunch I had the presence of mind to pop a tape in the VCR and I recorded the news non stop until I ran out of tapes somewhere in the evening of the 13th.  Still haven't watched the videos, but I have them!

this was supposed to be longer, better written, and more poignant, but I have to go do things so at least it is recorded!! 


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