Sunday, May 6, 2012

Really Target? Is that something you want to encourage?

Ok I am getting on my soapbox! I have an issue with the new Target commercial. The concept is cute and the little boys are adorable... but...
haven't you been in Target (or Walmart) and seen those boys... running around, grabbing stuff off the shelves, knocking people down or pushing the aside, yelling and screaming, playing with the merchandise.... yeah, you've seen them! And what did you think? Honestly what were the words that went through your head? They weren't "Oh how cute, little boys playing superheros!" were they? Nope, the words in your head when you see that sort of thing in real life are more like "little brats! Where is their mother? Why isn't she watching them? What is wrong with parents, letting kids run wild through the store!!!"
I think I am a fairly decent parent.  My kids aren't perfect, and I am a waaaaay more liberal mom than most of the girls I grew up with. Then again, most of the girls I grew up with live in the DFW area and I live in rural America.  This are just different out here. If my kid does something stupid I hear about it before she makes it home! but I digress... I am not a perfect mom, and I allow my girls more freedom than I had at their age, but I would NEVER in a MILLION YEARS allow my kids to run around and play in a store!! I can not believe that Target would have a commercial that shows that kind of behavior as a positive thing!
Am I the only one who sees that commercial and thinks that mom needs to be slapped upside the head? I know I am going on about something that I cant change, and I know there is a good chance that I am the only one who feels this way about it.... but then, it is MY blog! I can gripe about what I want to right?  Aron is trying to sleep, and the computer light is keeping him up, so I will end this and say goodnight....
and please, please, please - don't let your kids run around the store playing superhero... keep them with you and make them behave themselves.  If you can't do that, keep them at home when you go shopping. If you can't do that... well, just please don't be offended when I parent your kid. Its got to be done folks, and if you won't do it, I will!
good night all
to quote one of my precious little friends: Sweet sleeps!

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