Sunday, January 2, 2011

Almost ready!

Well, it's 8:15 pm and I'm up at the school.  For the most part, everything that can be done has been done to get ready for the coming week.  I was going to get new folders for my whole class, but Walmart has only $.97 folders... not the $.15 folders that they had at the begining of the year!  I guess folders will have to wait until I can get to Amarillo.
I missed praise team practice this morning.  It wasn't that I over slept - I was awake.  My brain just changed the time we meet!  I went in to wake CG up and she told me church had already started.  I asked her when her Sunday school started and she replied "an hour before yours!"  YIKES!  I was there in time for Sunday School but missing PT practice makes me feel discombobulated! CG missed Sunday School but she made it to the service at her church. 
Yeah, Carey Grace goes to a different church.  We had to decide if we wanted her to go to a church of her choosing, or not attend church at all.  We let her go.  It was painful... still is sometimes when people at my church ask where she is.  I see now that it wasn't that she didn't like my church... it was just God calling her somewhere else.  She is happy and she is learning, serving, witnessing, growing, and having fun. It is funny how sometimes God takes you somewhere kicking and screaming and throwing a fit, and if you just shut up, calm down and do what He wants you to, you will find yourself in a much better place!  If CG hadn't changed churches, I would never have spent two hours talking to her youth minister's wife in an attempt to tell her all about CG, her spiritual life, and my hopes and dreams for her and assure myself that my baby was okay with these people I didn't know anything about.  I wouldn't have ever forged a bond with this woman - I wouldn't have even met her!  Now, just 3 months or so later, Aron and I BOTH have wonderful friends that we love dearly and so enjoy spending time with.  They feel like family - the good kind, not the crazy "are you sure I'm not adopted?" kind.  If God hadn't called CG to a different church, we wouldn't be planning a family vacation for the first time in our family's history.  If we hadn't let her go, we wouldn't have plans ever single Saturday night!  Thank you God for forcing us to go places we don't want to... the benefits are so incredibly awesome!

On a non spiritual note, I messed up my pinkie ring today. (Oh! Water is playing on Pandora!  Love Brad Paisley!...  sorry, I'm not really ADD I'm just easily distracta...... OH LOOK!  A squirrel!)
So I got my ring caught on the drawer of the filing cabinet and it roughed up the edge quite a bit.  I took it off and looked at the ring and at the indention in my finger.  I have worn that ring on that finger since I was in the 6th grade.  It's a James Avery ring, and although they now make one almost exactly like it.... it's not the same, so I'm going to have this one fixed rather than replaced.  I have had that ring longer than I have had my wedding bands!  I have had my class ring awhile too, but I didn't really wear it for about 15 years between high school and now.  That little Spanish Swirl has been on my right pinkie for 27 years!  Wow!  It is the only thing I can think of that I have had that long and still use daily.  Watches, glasses, clothes, shoes, everything else has changed numerous times over the years but that little ring has stayed on my finger.  I had it when I met my first "love".  I had it when he broke my heart for the first time.  I had it in all the prom/homecoming/ROTC/Orchestra/ formal dances.  I had it in all the swimming pools, sleepovers, and parties growing up.  I had it through the drama of breaking away from my parents.  I had it when I met Aron.  I had it through our marriage vows (I think I may actually have taken it off for the ceremony), through 5 miscarriages and two babies, through surgeries on tumors and jawbones, through 9 moves and 4 churches in three towns.  I really struggle to remember a time before I had that ring - memories are there, just a little hazy!  And, I know this is weird but bear with me, I was thinking about what will happen to my ring when I die.  I want my wedding rings to go to the girls, but I think I want to be buried with my pinkie ring!  It's been with me all this time, it only seems fair right? Besides, it would just be something for the girls to argue over and they don't need any encouragement!

Well, I think I have done all the damage I can do here, and by now most people have quit reading anyway! :-)  Sorry, I have long ramblings... that's why I wanted to blog - it's a release!

Sooooo..... go where God takes you, even if you don't think you want to go there, and appriciate significiant pieces of jewerly and make sure your spouse knows who gets what when you die!  Yup, that sums up this blog!

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