Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye Christmas!

Well, despite doing nothing until well after noon, today was pretty productive!  Aron shampooed the carpet in the bedroom, we flipped the mattress (winter side/summer side) and I took down the tree and all the Christmas decorations (I think....).  Everything is neatly packed away in the garage cabinet, ready for next year.  Well..... almost everything....  I will take the lights off the roof tomorrow and disentangle the net of lights from the bush in the front.  Those go in a box (labeled mind you!) with the wreath that goes on the door.  The box has its place in the cabinet waiting, and then I will remove the wooden sign from the yard... THEN Christmas will be packed up!  Aron is currently shampooing the spots in the living room that need it, then we will move the couch back to it's rightful place in front of the window tomorrow.  Rufus and the cats will be glad  - they like to sit on the back of the couch and watch everything that is going on outside.  Tomorrow we both have to go to the school and get ready for the new semester.
Anyhow, we are going to make a Walmart run for some stuff, then its back home to the fire! I am ready to see my church friends tomorrow and get back in the swing of things!  Goodnight and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Love it Staci! Great job! Its so much fun to keep up with friends this way!
